The Foundation for Restoration - part 1 and 2

The Foundation for Restoration

Even though the Fall resulted from human failure, God has felt responsible to save fallen humanity. Therefore, God immediately began His providence to restore fallen people by having Adam's family lay the foundation for the Messiah.

Due to Adam's kinship of blood with Satan, he was in the midway position, relating with both God and Satan. For a fallen person standing in the midway position to be purified, come to God's side and establish the foundation for the Messiah, he must fulfill a condition of indemnity. Consequently, for the providence of restoration to be accomplished in Adam's family, the members of his family had to make certain conditions of indemnity to restore the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. On these two foundations, the foundation for the Messiah was to be established, and the Messiah could have come to Adam's family.

Cain killed Abel, thereby preventing the providence of restoration in Adam's family from being accomplished. Nevertheless, God had predestined absolutely the fulfillment of the purpose of creation, and His Will remained unchangeable. Hence, upon the foundation of the loyal heart which Abel demonstrated toward Heaven, God chose Seth in his place. From among Seth's descendants, God chose Noah's family to substitute for Adam's family and commenced a new chapter in His providence.

It is written that God judged the world by the flood: "And God said to Noah, 'I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is filled with violence through them; behold, I will destroy them with the earth.'" (Gen. 6:13). This shows us that Noah's time was the Last Days. God intended to accomplish the purpose of creation after the flood judgment by sending the Messiah upon the foundation laid by Noah's family. For this reason, Noah's family was responsible to fulfill the indemnity condition to restore the foundation of faith, and then the indemnity condition to restore the foundation of substance. They were to restore through indemnity the foundation for the Messiah, which Adam's family had failed to lay.

Due to Ham's fallen act, the providence of restoration in Noah's family was not fulfilled. Nevertheless, God had absolutely predestined that the purpose of creation would one day be realized. Therefore, upon the foundation of Noah's heart of loyalty toward Heaven, God called Abraham and commenced a new chapter in the providence of restoration with his family.

Abraham's family was to restore the foundation for the Messiah, which Noah's family had left incomplete, and receive the Messiah upon that foundation. Thus, as Noah before him, Abraham had to restore through indemnity the foundation of faith, and his sons had to restore through indemnity the foundation of substance.

Exposition of the Divine Principle - part II - chapter 1

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